Welcome to Our Group
We are men and women who differ in background, age, and stages of breast cancer. Some of us are newly diagnosed, others are in treatment, and still others are long-term survivors. The unspoken bond uniting us is the knowledge that there is life after a diagnosis of breast cancer, and that we share a new appreciation of being alive.
As a proactive, non-medically aligned, survivor-directed, self-help group we are ready to share information and provide emotional support. We network with support groups across the province, the country… the world.
We are about being there for one another because we know the shock of diagnosis, the roller coaster of emotion, and the physical changes you may experience. We share current information about breast health issues and learn from each others’ experiences.
What You will Find
You’ll find hope, acceptance, and understanding because we’ve all been there. Come join us to talk or listen, and perhaps find renewed strength in our confidential setting. You may be uplifted by a poem or story. Inspiration is a gift that we have for each other, and we all benefit as we join together in mutual support.
You’ll discover fun as we share our feelings at monthly meetings, groan about aching muscles in our weekly exercise class, and enjoy potluck suppers and informal conversations.
Laugh with us at the true stories of wigs and scarves that can be a great fashion accent but sometimes have lives of their own. Chuckle at the funny jokes and stories that breast cancer survivors share. There’s nothing better than a good laugh.
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she turned into a butterfly.”

The Thunder Bay Breast Cancer Support Group gratefully acknowledges the funding support of the Northern Cancer Fund of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. All gifts made to the Foundation stay in Northwestern Ontario to benefit its residents.